The Oxford Revrse Dictionary wil guide you o he sndrd erms for hings mos peope hve herd o i is no n Engisherners dicionr nor wil i hep you o ierry or rchic words or o sng coloquialisms re offered only where sndrd speech offers no workbe subsiue. We a hve words 'on he ip of our ongue ong ue nd we know know how ho w hrd such words oen re o cox bck ino consciosness nd how bd our speech or wriing wil ook wihou hem "h bi of he wa h urns ino he window cn never really repce reveal wihou he decoror hinking us foo n "he sor of mgisre who conducs inquiries inquiries ino he cuses of someones deh is no subsiue for indeed no oher erm cn be This dicionry is designed o sove hese probems quicky nd ecien grouping he ongueip erms under heir key conceps so corner wil be g, reveal w, nd kriegspiel boh w nd found in he ricle g, 8 6 5 4 3 ypeset in Nimrod and a nd Arial by nteractive Sciences Science s Limited, Gloucester Printed Printed in Great Bitai by acKays of Chatham Chatham, Kent
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